The electricity network assets of EA Networks are in excellent condition and well placed to deliver the region’s energy supply needs, an independent economic report has found.
Undertaken by Link Economics, the report highlights EA Networks’ excellence in asset condition, investment in capacity, service reliability, and operational efficiency. This closely linked the company with Mid-Canterbury’s high economic performance in terms of GDP across the past 25 years.
The report found that EA’s infrastructure is in very good condition, with asset grades of 4 or higher (on a scale of 1-5, where 5 represents "as new"). The company surpasses the national average in asset condition, providing reliability and resilience.
Chief executive Onno Mulder said the report was commissioned to obtain an independent assessment of the performance and management of its assets. The findings reflected EA’s commitment to the region and the customer shareholders it serves.
“We were really pleased with the evaluation of our assets and management approach, particularly regarding our ongoing focus to deliver a reliable, high-capacity network that supports both the region's economic growth and community needs,” said Onno Mulder.
“A growing economy, especially at the level of the Ashburton region, can be helped or hindered by the asset condition, response and the level of investment from its essential utility providers,” said Onno Mulder.
Since 2001, the Ashburton region’s GDP has grown by 95%, outpacing the national growth rate of 81% over the same period. EA Networks has mirrored this growth with significant investment in network capacity, which helped support the region’s economic expansion. Link Economics estimated that every $1 million invested by EA Networks in expanding its capacity to meet demand growth supported an increase of up to $10 million in annual regional GDP.
“It is important that we continue to invest in the critical infrastructure that drives growth. Whilst we welcome the findings of this report it is imperative that we continue to enhance how we work for our community and meet the evolving demands and needs of our customers,” said Onno Mulder.
The Link Economics report relies on data from audited regulatory disclosures and can be viewed in full here.
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